Auto Debit Terms & Conditions

I certify that I am the holder of the bank account. I authorize Nelnet Bank, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their agents, successors, and/or assigns, to automatically debit my checking or savings account. I understand this auto debit will be made each month that my loan(s) is in a status that requires payments, even if I have a loan(s) that is past due or if I have previously paid more than the minimum amount due (known as being paid ahead). I understand that I may make additional, one-time payments at any time without disrupting my regularly scheduled payments by calling 800.446.4190 or mailing payments to the address on my billing statement. Additionally,
- Loans Serviced by Firstmark Services: You can make a payment by signing into your account.
- Loans Serviced by Nelnet Bank: You can make a payment by signing in to Nelnet Bank.
I acknowledge that my auto debit amount may change to ensure my loan(s) is repaid in accordance with the terms of my credit agreement(s). I understand that if the minimum payment amount changes, the authorized debit amount will also change to the new required payment amount unless I have selected a payment amount that is higher than the new minimum payment required. The new payment amount will be provided on my billing statement.
I agree that any payments not honored are my responsibility, and Nelnet Bank will not incur any liability or expense as a result. I understand that sufficient funds for the payment must be in my bank account. If sufficient funds are not in my bank account, I may be charged a returned funds fee. Three consecutive occurrences of returned funds may result in the cancellation of my auto debit agreement. I understand that my automatic debit may be reattempted through my bank a maximum of one time.
My auto debit authorization will remain in effect until my loan(s) is paid in full, my loans change to a nonrepayment status, or if we receive a verbal or written request from you to cancel the automatic payment, or there are three consecutive automatic deductions returned for insufficient funds at any time during the term of the loan. I understand that during periods of deferment and/or forbearance my auto debit will be paused until my loan(s) enter a status that requires payments, at which time automatic payment will resume. Any auto debit discount will not apply during periods of forbearance or deferment. Auto debit discounts may only apply to certain loan products. Automatic payments scheduled will be cancelled if we receive notification that you are currently a party in a bankruptcy case. It is my responsibility to notify Nelnet Bank of any changes to my checking or savings account. I understand that I can change or cancel my auto debit payments by email or phone by contacting or calling 800.446.4190, or by mailing a request (Nelnet Bank, P.O. Box 82546, Lincoln, NE 68501-2546). Additionally,
- Loans Serviced by Firstmark Services: You can change or cancel your auto debit payments by signing into your account.
- Loans Serviced by Nelnet Bank: You can change or cancel your auto debit payments by signing in to Nelnet Bank.
Requests to change or cancel auto debit by mail or email can be honored up to three business days before my next scheduled auto debit date; however, I will allow adequate time for receipt and processing. Requests to change or cancel my auto debit payment online or via phone can be made up to one business day before my payment due date.
These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. I understand and acknowledge that Nelnet Bank will not initiate any entries that violate the laws of the United States, including without limitation regulations of, and sanctions enforced by, the Office of Foreign Asset Control.