Home Improvement Loans
Take your home’s value to the next level. At Nelnet Bank, we’re with you.

Choose a loan with the flexibility to pay your contractor directly whenever you approve an expense.
Upgrading your home is an upgrade to the moments that matter most. That’s why we provide home improvement loans that allow you to update your property in a way that you can pay for over time, so you have more financial flexibility along every step of your journey.
Plus, every loan is designed to make the contractor payment easier:
- CheckMilestones: Your contractor can request loan funds at project milestones.
- CheckAuthorization: You’re in control. You’ll receive a text message each time your contractor requests funds, and funds will only be issued with your approval.
- CheckDirect Payment: Upon your approval, funds will be sent directly to your contractor.
- CheckTrack Your Balance: You can always check your loan balance by logging into our repayment portal.
Looking to finance your next home improvement project? Refer your contractor to Buildertrend.
Are You a Contractor?
This loan program takes worries and hassles out of every project by allowing your clients to easily borrow the funds they need and quickly pay at project milestones. That means you can spend more time on the details of the project, and less time managing financial hurdles.
Want more information? Email homeimprovement@NelnetBank.com. We’re ready to help.